Mohandas Gandhi quotes
Gao Xingjian quotes (Chinese émigré novelist, playwright, and critic, 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature, b.1940)
Christopher Marlowe quotes (English Elizabethan Poet and Playwright who is noted especially for his establishment of dramatic blank verse, 1564-1593)
Dag Hammarskjold quotes (Swedish Statesman and United Nations official, 1905-1961)
Baltasar Gracian quotes (Spanish Philosopher and Writer, leading Spanish exponent of conceptism, 1601-1658)
Robert Browning quotes (Major English Poet of the Victorian age, noted for his mastery of dramatic monologue and psychological portraiture. 1812-1889)
Jacques Barzun quotes (French Educator, b.1907)
Zeno quotes
Walter Benjamin quotes (German Theologian, Writer and Essayist. 1892-1940)