Bhagavad Gita quotes
Konrad Lorenz quotes (Austrian Zoologist, 1903-1989)
Mariah Carey quotes (American Singer. b.1970, New York,USA)
Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes (American Baptist Minister and Civil-Rights Leader. 1929-1968)
Sun Tzu quotes (Chinese General and Author, b.500 BC)
Albert Schweitzer quotes (German medical Missionary, Theologian, Musician and Philosopher. 1952 Nobel Peace Prize, 1875-1965)
Adolf Hitler quotes (German Chancellor, leader of the Nazi party, 1889-1945)
Carl Gustav Jung quotes (Swiss psychiatrist, Psychologist and Founder of the Analytic Psychology, 1875-1961)
Marianne Williamson quotes (American Author and Lecturer, spiritual leader of the Church of Today, b.1952)