Quotes with keywords > S > SE > set up 1-10 Quotations of 120 Set up quotes
“To secede from the Union and set up another government would cause war. If you go to war with the United States, you will never conquer her, as she has the money and the men. If she does not whip you by guns, powder, and steel, she will starve you to” | Sam Houston quotes (American General, Lawyer and Politician, 1st president of Texas, (1836-38, 1841-44), 1793-1863)
| Similar Quotes. About: War quotes. | Add to Chapter... | |
Related Results set up synonyms: arrange, assemble, bring about, effect, effecting, ensnare, ensnared, entrap, entraps, erect, establish, establishes, Establishing, found, frame, install, launch, lay out, order, orders, piece, pieces, pitch, pitches, prepare, prepares, preparing, put, put in, put together, put up, puts, raise, raises, readiest, ready, rear, sets, tack, tacked, tacks. set up antonyms: abolish, abolished, abolishes, abolishing, break up, dismantle, get rid of, level, pull down, rase, take down, tear down.