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Roles quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteTherapy? I don't need that. The roles that I choose are my therapy.

 Angelina Jolie quotes (American Actress, b.1975)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteSelf-interest speaks all sorts of tongues, and plays all sorts of roles, even that of disinterestedness

 François de la Rochefoucauld quotes (French classical author, leading exponent of the Maxime, 1613-1680)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteFirst of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.

 Michael Caine quotes (Internationally successful British motion picture actor, b.1933)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI don't want to play sex roles any more. I'm tired of being known as the girl with the shape.

 Marilyn Monroe quotes (American Actress who became a major sex symbol, starring in a number of commercially successful motion pictures during the 1950s. 1926-1962)

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