Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes (German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749-1832)
Ambrose Bierce quotes (American Writer, Journalist and Editor, 1842-1914)Book: Devil's Dictionary quotes
Adlai E. Stevenson quotes (American Politician. Governor of Illinois (1949-53) and Ambassador to the United Nations (1961-65). 1900-1965)
Jack Handy quotes (American Writer and cast member of Saturday Night Live from 1991-2003. Famous for his Deep Thoughts comedy sketches.)
Rudyard Kipling quotes (English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. Nobel Prize(1907), 1865-1936)
John Dretschmer quotes
Friedrich Nietzsche quotes (German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900.)
Truman Capote quotes (American short-story Writer, Novelist and Playwright, 1924-1984)
Sam Ewing quotes
Sam Walter Foss quotes (American editor, poet and humorist, 1858-1911)