Becky Aligada quotes
Tennessee Williams quotes (American playwright. 1911-1983)
Rainer Maria Rilke quotes (Austro-German lyric poet, author of Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus, 1875-1926)
Virginia Woolf quotes (English Modernist Writer. She is best known for her feminist essay "A Room of One's Own" and the novel "Mrs. Dalloway". Committed suicide at age 59. 1882-1941)
Jim Morrison quotes (American Poet and Singer. Member of the American band The Doors and one of rock music's mythic figures. 1943-1971)
Erma Bombeck quotes (U.S. humorist, 1927-1996)
Drew Barrymore quotes (American Actress, b.1975)
Jacob Boehme quotes (German Philosopher, 1575-1624)
Johnny Depp quotes (American film Actor. b.1963 Owensboro, Kentucky, USA)