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Fresh Air quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteGive me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air.

 Jack Benny quotes (American Entertainer whose unusual comedic method and expert timing made him a legendary success in US radio and television for more than 30 years. 1894-1974)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI loved the feeling of freedom in running, the fresh air, the feeling that the only person I'm competing with is me.

 Wilma Rudolph quotes (First American woman Runner to win three gold medals at a single Olympics. 1940-1994)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteGive me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful woman - and you can keep the golf clubs and fresh air

 Jack Benny quotes (American Entertainer whose unusual comedic method and expert timing made him a legendary success in US radio and television for more than 30 years. 1894-1974)

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