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Fixing quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThe poet produces the beautiful by fixing his attention on something real

 Simone Weil quotes (French social Philosopher, Mystic and Activist in the French Resistance during World War II. 1909-1943)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThat is why, no matter how desperate the predicament is, I am always very much in earnest about clutching my cane, straightening my derby hat and fixing my tie, even though I have just landed on my head.

 Charlie Chaplin quotes (British Comedian, Producer, Writer, Film Director and Composer who is widely regarded as the greatest comic artist of the screen and one of the most important figures in motion picture history, 1889-1977)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteFor fixing things around the house, nothing is handier than a man with a checkbook

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteHe who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.

 Leonardo da Vinci quotes (Italian draftsman, Painter, Sculptor, Architect and Engineer whose genius epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. 1452-1519)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteA good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

 Lao Tzu quotes (Chinese taoist Philosopher, founder of Taoism, wrote "Tao Te Ching" (also "The Book of the Way"). 600 BC-531 BC)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteA good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

 Lao Tzu quotes (Chinese taoist Philosopher, founder of Taoism, wrote "Tao Te Ching" (also "The Book of the Way"). 600 BC-531 BC)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteSometimes I wish I were a kid again; skinned knees are a lot easier to fix than a broken heart.

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteDon't listen to their words, fix your attention on their deeds.

 Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)

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