Abigail Van Buren quotes
Donna A. Favors quotes (Member of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Institute, 1955)
Paul Bryant quotes (American football college Coach. 1913-1983)
Norman Cousins quotes (American Essayist and Editor, long associated with the Saturday Review. 1912-1990)
Franz Kafka quotes (German Writer of visionary fiction, 1883-1924)
Friedrich Nietzsche quotes (German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900.)
Nelson Mandela quotes (South African Statesman First democratically elected State President of South Africa (1994), 1993 Nobel Prize for Peace, b.1918)
George Foreman quotes (American Boxer, b.1949)
Jon English quotes
Havelock Ellis quotes (British psychologist and author 1859-1939)
Anthony Robbins quotes (American advisor to leaders)
Anne Frank quotes (German Jewish girl Author of a diary of her family's two years in hiding during World War II, 1929-1945)
Labyrinth quotes (The Movie (1986))
Dale Earnhardt quotes (American NASCAR Race driver. 1951-2001)