Thomas Ehrlich quotes
Lyndon B. Johnson quotes (American 36th US President (1963-69). 1908-1973)
Thomas M. Franck quotes
Alfred North Whitehead quotes (British Mathematician and Philosopher, 1861-1947)
Eric Hoffer quotes (American Writer, 1902-1983)
T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)
Arthur Koestler quotes (British novelist, journalist, and critic, 1905-1938)
Dave Barry quotes (American Writer and Humorist best known for his weekly newspaper column. b.1947)
Erwin Chargaff quotes
Edwin Powell Hubble quotes
Les Brown quotes (American Author, Entrepreneur and motivational speaker)
Ayn Rand quotes (Russian born American Writer and Novelist, 1905-1982)