Horace quotes (Ancient Roman Poet. 65 BC-8 BC)
Marcus Aurelius quotes (Roman emperor, best known for his Meditations on Stoic philosophy, AD 121-180)
Thomas Jefferson quotes (American 3rd US President (1801-09). Author of the Declaration of Independence. 1762-1826)
Samuel Johnson quotes (English Poet, Critic and Writer. 1709-1784)
Samuel Butler quotes (English novelist, essayist and critic, 1835-1902)
David N. Dinkins quotes (American Politician and Mayor of New York (1990-93), b.1927)
Thomas Nolle quotes
Bill Clinton quotes (American 42nd US President (1993-2001), b.1946)
Kofi Annan quotes (Ghanaian diplomat, seventh secretary-general of the United Nations, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize.)