Ernest van den Haag quotes
George Bernard Shaw quotes (Irish literary Critic, Playwright and Essayist. 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1856-1950)
Alan Clark quotes
W. H. Auden quotes (English born American Poet, Dramatist and Editor who achieved early fame in the 1930s as a hero of the left during the Great Depression. 1907-1973)
Franklin D. Roosevelt quotes (American 32nd US President (1933-45), cousin of Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US president. 1882-1945)
Barry Goldwater quotes (American Politician and Senator, 1909-1998)
Benno C. Schmidt, Jr. quotes
Leo Szilard quotes (Hungarian born American Physicist who helped conduct the first sustained nuclear chain reaction. 1898-1964)
Maureen Dowd quotes (American Journalist She is an opinion editor columnist for The New York Times, b.1952)
Robert Greenleaf quotes
David Ogilvy quotes (Scottish born British military intelligence officer and later top advertising executive, 1911-1999)
Malcolm S. Forbes quotes
Jennifer Aniston quotes (American Actress. b.1969 Sherman Oaks, California, USA)
Linda Ellerbee quotes