Mark Twain quotes (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910)
Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)
Thomas Kempis quotes
Abraham Kuyper quotes (Dutch Theologian, Statesman, Journalist and Prime Minister of The Netherlands (1901-05). 1837-1920)
C.S. Lewis quotes (British Scholar and Novelist. 1898-1963)
Mother Teresa of Calcutta quotes (Albanian born Indian Missionary and Founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity. Nobel Prize for Peace in 1979. 1910-1997)
Napoleon Bonaparte quotes (French General, Politician and Emperor (1804-14). 1769-1821)
George Santayana quotes (Spanish born American Philosopher, Poet and Humanist who made important contributions to aesthetics, speculative philosophy and literary criticism. 1863-1952)