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Cardinal quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quotePerhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.

 W. H. Auden quotes (English born American Poet, Dramatist and Editor who achieved early fame in the 1930s as a hero of the left during the Great Depression. 1907-1973)

Similar Quotes. About: Sin quotes, Impatience quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteXiminez: Now, old woman -- you are accused of heresy on three counts -- heresy by thought, heresy by word, heresy by deed, and heresy by action -- *four* counts. Do you confess?

Wilde: I don't understand what I'm accused of.

Ximinez: Ha! Then we'll make you understand! Biggles! Fetch...THE CUSHIONS!

Biggles: Here they are, lord.

Ximinez: Now, old lady -- you have one last chance. Confess the heinous sin of heresy, reject the works of the ungodly -- *two* last chances. And you shall be free -- *three* last chances. You have three last chances, the nature of which I have divulged in my previous utterance.

Wilde: I don't know what you're talking about.

Ximinez: Right! If that's the way you want it -- Cardinal! Poke her with the soft cushions!

Ximinez: Confess! Confess! Confess!

Biggles: It doesn't seem to be hurting her, lord.

Ximinez: Have you got all the stuffing up one end?

Biggles: Yes, lord.

 Monty Python quotes (Creators and stars of the television comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus.)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThe Cardinal is at his wit's end -- it is true that he had not far to go.

 Lord Byron quotes (English Romantic poet and satirist, 1788-1824)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteNo man could be equipped for the presidency if he has never been tempted by one of the seven cardinal sins.

 Eugene J. McCarthy quotes (American democratic Senator from Minnesota, b.1916)

About: Sin quotes, Presidency quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteForce and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.

 Thomas Hobbes quotes (English Philosopher (Leviathan), 1588-1679)

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