Marquis De Sade quotes (French nobleman and Novelist whose perverse sexual preferences and erotic writings gave rise to the term sadism. 1740-1814)
Blaise Pascal quotes (French Mathematician, Philosopher and Physicist, 1623-1662)
Samuel Johnson quotes (English Poet, Critic and Writer. 1709-1784)
Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Writer, Scholar, Orator and Statesman, 106 BC-43 BC)
Agnes Repplier quotes (American Essayist and Writer, She is known for her collections of scholarly essays in Compromises (1904). 1858-1950)
Ovid quotes (Ancient Roman classical Poet and Author of Metamorphoses, 43 BC-17)
William Cobbett quotes (Pseudonym Peter Porcupine, English popular journalist, champion of traditional rural England against the Industrial Revolution, 1763-1835)
B. R. Ambedkar quotes (Indian Politician and founder Of the Indian Constitution.)
Bhagavad Gita quotes
I Ching quotes (Chinese)