“It's probably not going to change any minds here. I'm confident in the people's support of the ban more than ever. It's just critical that people who support the ban as it is turn out to vote.”
“This is a health issue. I still think breathing comes before profits. These (liquor license holders) are not looking at the community needs or the needs of their employees. They're just looking at their pocketbooks.”
“There is new business out there that is either just making itself known or will be in the near future. But this should not be about money. It should be about public health.”
“People have come up to us and said, 'We live in Grand Chute, we'd like the same thing, we love the situation in Appleton, we want to keep it, we wish we could vote,' and they could vote if it was brought to them in their areas.”
“It's both a precedent and a permanent answer to a permanent problem -- a life-and-death problem -- and why should we settle for anything less? And why should any other communities and citizens have to settle for anything less?”