“The state of Alaska is seeking to convict Ms. Waterman on the theory that she conspired to have her mother killed in a particularly brutal way because she and her mother did not get along.”
“Bittersweet. Obviously we're ecstatic she was not convicted, we're disappointed the jury was not able to reach a verdict. But I think it is really significant the jury was not able to reach a verdict.”
“Doc is disappointed, but Doc is also encouraged because, in one sense, we do live to fight round two and we are going to do that. And we are going to keep at this, keep at this, keep at this and I'm going to do it until my dying day if necessary to get her out of jail 'cause she should not be there.”
“There's only really one difference between Rachelle Waterman and every other teenage girl. Rachelle Waterman had the misfortune to repeat her comments to Jason Arrant.”