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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We don't want to leave any margin for error at all. I don't think it's as risky a situation as it seems on paper.”

 Steve Woodward quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Pier 1 Imports has over 1200 stores around the world, plus multiple new initiatives launching this year, including a new catalog and a redesigned web site, so both online and offline measurement are increasingly important strategies. Plus, given the success we're seeing online, it was time to have a more robust solution in place to enable business users to create their own reports and obtain immediately actionable information. We looked at other leading vendors, but WebTrends was the clear choice due to its impressive product evolution and its focus on accuracy and technical flexibility, in addition to our long-standing relationship with the company.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“A wealth of digital lifestyle products, not just PCs, are available at very affordable prices and these allow consumers to do more than ever with their technology at home. Our aim with this new magazine is to guide readers through the vast range of options so as to help them get even more value out of their technology.”

 Steve Woodward quote

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