“[Cathedral City City Councilman Paul Marchand piggybacked off another's question regarding the price of gasoline. Marchand focused on Westly's intention to run for governor and asked for] a commitment to (putting California) on a leading edge (of clean technology) beyond just hybrid vehicles, ... absolutely and unequivocally yes.”
“He has taken a hard right turn. The Governor is attacking nurses, firefighters and teachers. It is clear he is taking the state in the wrong direction. California can't afford four more years of his politics or his policies.”
“U.S. states discharge a heavy responsibility to invest on behalf of millions of public employees. We believe it is inevitable that at some point the U.S. will join the other G8 countries and introduce limitations on the emissions of greenhouse gases. That is why we are leading investor collaboration to gather the data on corporate greenhouse gas emissions required to undertake prudent investment management. And that is why CalPERS, CalSTRS and the California Treasury are participants in the Carbon Disclosure Project. We encourage fund managers interested in our business to follow suit.”