“I was working on one of the neighbors' phones and one of the gentlemen came up to me and said he witnessed somebody go into one of these houses, it was somebody that we knew didn't live there.”
“An individual came from the back door and had an armful of property and we asked if he lived there and he said, 'no.' We asked him what he was doing there and he said he stopped to use the bathroom.”
“I caught up with him in the second yard there and tackled him, was wrestling him around with him on the ground until I got [into a] position on top of him. The neighbors came down and started holding his feet and we were holding him until the police got there.”
“Everybody knows him for one thing. So we tried to work on the rest of it. You can quantify it or qualify it that way - we worked on everything but the deep ball.”
“You're talking about a guy that everybody wrote off as a player coming out of college. I've got more respect for him than any other player I've encountered in the game.”