“I wanted to express to the players, the coaches and really the whole staff what being involved with the New York Giants has meant to my father. For the 14 years he's had the privilege of owning this team, it's been the greatest gift for him, professionally and personally.”
“I wanted to express to the players, the coaches and really the whole staff what being involved with the New York Giants has meant to my father, ... It gave him so much pleasure and so much pride. Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, this is what he lived and loved.”
“I was very, very impressed by the program at Duke, and very taken by more than just its medical approach. For me, there was the intangible that became so important, of the spiritual and emotional commitment that these programs and their doctors have.”
“The future of player relations and union relations have to be decided in the next 24 hours. I never heard Paul more opinionated, more animated or more passionate. It's very close to the 15th round, and it's about time.”
“He made it very clear to me and the other owners that the future of labor relations, player relations, union relations, is going to have to be decided (by today). I've never heard Paul more opinionated and more animated and more committed and passionate.”