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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We anticipate the Tasman products will ... further our ability to provide seamless, feature-rich networks that support critical real-time applications, including voice, video, and streaming multimedia applications.”

 Steve Slattery quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“With the acquisition of Tasman Networks, Nortel will strengthen its position as an innovator in providing resilient end-to-end converged, secure IP telephony and multimedia networks. We anticipate that the Tasman products will complement our enterprise infrastructure solutions and further our ability to provide seamless, feature-rich networks that support critical real-time applications - including voice, video, and streaming multimedia applications.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“With the acquisition of Tasman Networks, Nortel will strengthen its position as an innovator in providing resilient end-to-end converged, secure IP telephony and multimedia networks.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“With the acquisition of Tasman Networks, Nortel will strengthen its position as an innovator in providing resilient end-to-end converged, secure IP telephony and multimedia networks. We anticipate that the Tasman products will complement our enterprise infrastructure solutions and further our ability to provide seamless, feature-rich networks that support critical real-time applications-including voice, video, and streaming multimedia applications.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Nortel customers, both enterprise and carrier, have been asking for an industry-wide approach to securing their networks and data. By joining forces with other leading proponents of an industry-standard approach, we can help create momentum for interoperability in delivering secure network access throughout the industry. Nortel expects to aggressively support the rapid development of relevant security standards supporting converged communications.”

 Steve Slattery quote

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