“Year after year, Brink's Home Security delivers a consistent, positive experience to customers through its call center operations. Brink's demonstrates a remarkably solid commitment to the satisfaction of their customers. Brink's customers give high ratings for their interactions with the customer service representatives and are particularly pleased with the timely resolution of problems and the convenience of service hours.”
“Uncertainties in the telecommunications industry -- such as acquisitions and mergers -- have created several challenges for providers when it comes to raising customer confidence and satisfaction. However, the issue of customer uncertainty can be overcome through the presence of well-informed sales representatives and account executives who are prepared to address customer questions and concerns. Customers will feel that their carrier understands their needs and will be better informed of the products and services available to them. Communicating with clients is the key to improving customer satisfaction in an uncertain market.”
“Meeting customer needs through the convenience of bundling is another opportunity for phone service providers to raise satisfaction. Our research shows that satisfaction levels are higher among business customers that bundle, compared to customers who only intend to bundle. The expectation of 'greener pastures,' i.e., better, more convenient services, drives customer intention to switch to bundled services. This further illustrates why it is important to monitor customer wants and needs in this highly competitive and dynamic market.”