“Every team Rich has been a part of has been successful. We are thrilled to add a player with his experience and we know his commitment to winning will rub off on our younger players.”
“This is a market full of enthusiastic, young lacrosse players. We could do player clinics every single day and not meet the demand for lacrosse education. This new complex gives the Mammoth an ideal platform from which to teach young athletes.”
“Pat is a champion and a leader and he brings great experience to our team. He's consistent, he's tough and he's simply one of the best defenders ever to play in this league.”
“We knew that Arizona was interested in Matt, but Dan Carey was easily the next-best choice. I think (Brown and Carey) are very comparable as players. They're both solid left-handers with big potential to score.”
“These guys have worked hard and played extremely well this season. Having two of our players in the starting lineup of the All-Star Game is a tribute to our entire team.”
“I have a lot of respect for Ben and I want to do the right thing in getting him to Edmonton, but I'm not going to give him up for nothing. All I want is fair market value for Ben.”