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Steve Cochrane quotes

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“This year is really going to be seen as a transition year away from the booming economy to a more moderate pace of growth.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We've been saying for some time that if oil hits $70 a barrel, that puts the economy at a tipping point where if there were some other serious problems, we could fall into recession, ... they would leave the economy vulnerable to some other shock that might come along.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The biggest impact clearly is local, not national. If New Orleans suffers a fair amount of damage to hotels and casinos, people may not go there for a while because who wants to go if the place is a mess?”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It's hard to imagine gas prices at $3 a gallon even a few months ago. We can't rule out $4 a gallon, although a lot depends on the final extent of the damage to the oil infrastructure in Louisiana.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Right now, given the information that we've got, we've lowered our second-half projection [on economic growth] to 4%, essentially shaving off half a point.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“You do need to earn more in California to achieve the same standard of living than in almost any other state,”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“That could give the housing market in California another year of life before it slows down.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It sounds like it's too soon to write the obituary on the housing market. There's not enough clear evidence.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Huge amounts of grain from the Midwest get shipped out through New Orleans. If grain cannot get out through New Orleans, it could be lost if warehouses are flooded or ports close and barges are stuck in Mississippi. That could have a negative impact on farm income. It would be more costly to truck it to other locations.”

 Steve Cochrane quote

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The first half of 2005 was a bit slower in terms of retail sales but the pace picked up in the second half.”

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