“One of our roles at the Forestry Commission is to provide Georgia landowners with high-quality, accurate and timely timber price information. Georgia has 24.3 million acres of forestland available for commercial use and timber is the highest valued vegetative crop in the state. Since timber prices vary across the state, Forest2Market had divided Georgia into three primary timber pricing regions. Forest2Market's report will serve as a valuable tool to help Georgia's Forest Products Industry compete in the global market. We are pleased to provide a timber market report specific to Georgia.”
“The devastation caused by this is somewhat unprecedented in American history. The Gladiators organization is particularly moved, not only by the images from photographs and television, but by the fact that we have made many friends along the Gulf Coast through our history in Mobile, Alabama and here in Gwinnett. Through our relationship with the Salvation Army, we have learned of the thousands of evacuees that have found refuge in the state of Georgia. Many have been temporarily displaced, but have lost much. Many may have little to return to when they go home. As always, communities throughout America have responded with help and we simply want to do the same through this donation and by helping to spread the word that assistance is needed here in Georgia to help these survivors.”
“In an earthquake, a lot of people assume that regardless of whether or not there's any damage to their home, they need to shut off their gas. They assume there's going to be a gas leak.”
“A gas official or other certified contractor has to come out and turn the gas back on and light the pilot lights in all the appliances, because that's something that we don't recommend people do on their own,”
“You could imagine if there was an earthquake in Utah in winter and everyone ran outside and turned off their gas. By the time we could get around to relighting everyone, it would be a problem, because people would have no heat until we got there.”
“Following Scotland will always have highs and lows but hopefully we will be stronger for the Euro qualifiers and the tournament would be better with the presence of the Tartan Army.”
“This creates a challenge for us in the community ... to continue to hold our base and expand our base. It is imperative that we are as efficient as possible with every marketing dollar.”