“We all know the president's behavior has been reprehensible. President Clinton, however, refuses to admit what all of us know is true. To this day, he continues to deny and distort. He continues to dispute the undeniable facts that are before the Senate and before the American people.”
“Their nutrition is much better than it was prior to them being there. They are getting adequate food, adequate health care. They are provided with a Koran and the opportunity to pray five times a day. There is an arrow in the cells pointing toward Mecca so they know which direction Mecca is. So really, I think they are being humanely treated when one considers the circumstances under which they were captured.”
“We're getting a lay of the land. We're finding out where the microphones are, how they'll operate, which tables we're going be sitting at, how to present the exhibits -- the basic details that one wants to be familiar with when you're presenting a trial.”
“That, in my view, would be a real mistake. We need to continue to hold these detainees and perhaps others in the future to prevent them from rejoining the terror war against the United States or our allies and to prevent future attacks against our people.”
“It's one of those topics that always comes up at constituent meetings. It concerns people because I think most people think that we ought to have more control over our borders.”
“Basically, what President Bush is trying to do is defend the country against another terrorist attack. He got advice, as far as I know, from the Justice Department and others who said that this is legal. To censure him at this point and just to automatically say that what he did was illegal is completely premature and, I think, irresponsible.”