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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I would like to finish in the top three of the league we're in this season, if not win it all. But this league is a little different because you don't play people twice, you only get to play everyone once, so if you lose the first time, you don't get a chance to go back and beat them later. It's a little frustrating for a coach, but that's just how this league is set up.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I'm an old school guy. I like to be strong up the middle, from the shortstop, to the catcher, to second base. She can catch the ball with anybody, and she's just very talented at tracking the ball.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“[Our biggest challenge] is to stay consistent and improve game by game. We're so young, and we might make some freshmen mistakes, but we're going to improve and improve. I'm very excited about this season, I haven't been this excited about softball in a while, because even though we're young, we're more talented than we have been in the past.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Rachel just has a no-nonsense attitude. She always comes to practice, and always wants to get better. She hates losing, which is something I love in a player. She's a very good athlete with a good arm, and you can tell she is only going to get better as she gets more mature.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I'm training her to be a lead-off; her role is to get on base. I think she'll be able to steal some bases for us this year. Usually, you want to put one of your best fielders as shortstop, and it's usually not a ninth grader.”

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