“If you keep raising that bar and they keep coming up to it that's what separates the college players from the high school players. That's what separates the college players from the pros. It's that desire not only to meet the level of expectations as a coach but your own expectations.”
“There are certain things about her I'd like to change over the next month or two. She's not good enough to win state right now. But could she win state by April? Yea.”
“She doesn't have that arrogance that a lot of state champions have. She makes it up with a self-driven desire that she's not going to lose. She's not arrogant or cocky but she sure as hell doesn't like to lose.”
“It was really exactly what I've expected. Spring breaks really mess us up since ours falls opposite of everybody else. We had a real good March. Last week was the first time we'd played in three weeks.”