“It's part of who we are and what we do, so it was a natural for us to make the decision, ... It took us about 20 seconds to say, 'What can we do?' The next piece was, 'How do we do it?'”
“We're reaching out right now to find out where they all are. We've contacted many of them, but we're still running ads in local newspapers. We've even taken out banners towed by airplanes.”
“We are pleased with the court order and believe this validates the good work the Flathead National Forest is doing, ... The folks on the forest work hard to manage healthy forest resources within the sideboards of numerous laws and regulations.”
“I am a fourth-generation descendant of the Sand Creek Massacre. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather were here during the attack, and they survived it. It's a special place for us, and I am happy that legislation to make this an historic site has passed.”
“We really want to thank former Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell for all the work he has done. He got this project up and running, and I am happy that Allard and Musgrave have carried on with his vision.”