“There is an interesting phenomenon going on now - which is that culturally we live in a world where we are surrounded by images of media violence, frequently fictional images of violence in terms of movies and television, and yet at the same time we are essentially shielded or prevented from seeing actual images of violence.”
“We have an Iraq war going on right now in which the media coverage is strictly limited. There is no coverage, for example, of the bodies of American soldiers coming home. Footage of the World Trade Center is pretty well suppressed now in the media. You don't see the planes hitting the building, and the footage of the actual victims themselves is very, very, very rarely shown.”
“It's an interesting contradiction in which the violent world that we live in takes on the qualities of a dream world - in that it is almost entirely fictional in terms of the images that we consume, while the realities of the violence that does surround us tend to be excluded from media coverage.”
“Not only can we not golf, we can't even go out on the golf club's property. We're not allowed in the grill or the pro shop. We've been totally kicked out of everything to do with the golf course. They're trying to divide us from the other members.”
“That means I get to start playing golf at my own club again. You don't know how excited my wife and I are about that. We've been traveling all over, playing at other courses.”