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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“You can ship corn out of Iowa on rail cars. That costs more money for transportation, and that means a lower price for the farmer.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“[Stephen Lucas is among those compelled to watch. The images serve as a reminder of why he left his insurance business and the only place he called home after facing Hurricane Katrina.] I’ve lived through every storm that’s hit that area since 1956, so I rode that one out and it scared the hell out of me, ... To hear those winds come roaring in, those sustained winds, I don’t ever want to go through another hurricane again.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“[As for himself, the hurricane and flood have eroded any ambitions he had for an early retirement, and he harbors little hope for the city to be rebuilt within two years.] I can’t wait two or three years for the city to come back, ... I’m 48 years old and it’s freaking me out (having to relocate), but I just love it up here. I tell my mom it may end up being the worst decision I make in my life, but for now I’m happy.”

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