“We're here to inform Jewish people of Jesus' claims to be our messiah, ... People can decide for themselves. We're here because we think there are Jews who want to know.”
“He's lying in the hospital, shot twice, fighting for his life. He would give the shirt off his back to help anybody. Our whole family is traumatized.”
“Minutes before he got shot in temple, he told me he wanted to buy concert tickets for a congregant because he knew [the congregant] couldn't afford them. That's what he was thinking about.”
“There's been a long history to his behavior and I think this is something (Benayer) has most likely has been planning. They tried mediating and speaking to (Benayer) to no avail, and this is what he did on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. He came to the temple with a gun, called my brother-in-law out of the temple. My brother-in-law tried to talk it over once more, and his reply was to shoot him in the back .”