“People were standing around and photographing that, and photographing it fairly closely. There was cheering from the passengers on the boat and there were people shouting directions as to what things they wanted to see.”
“They talk in fairly extensive detail about ... a couple of different acts one specifically in front of the bar that involved at one point a male and female, and another point in time, two females and some sex toys,”
“There was lap dancing with a fair amount of cash floating around the floor with the dancers, leading quickly into sexual acts in a nature so explicit imagination wasn't necessary.”
“From our end, I don't know the name of the other primary person, but we turned over to the police today documents that show signatures or credit cards or whatever was associated with closing this deal,”
“We've seen everything from 30 to 40 percent increase for transportation hauls that are really going far to the coast and as high as 100 percent for the hauls that are within 300 to 400 miles,”