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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“For the guys, we are losing one of the best swimmers in Virginia swimming history in Fran Crippen. Ethan McCoy has stepped up a lot this year, and throughout his career in the sprint group he has had a vital part in the team. Ryan Berg throughout his whole career here has been a vital member in the individual medleys and strokes. Basically the fourth years are the backbone of our team.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Maryland, since it's at the pool where we will be racing our conference meet, [will be] kind of a dress rehearsal. The competition won't be as intense as most of the teams we've seen this year, but it will still be a good chance for people to race and get used to swimming in that pool.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Most people will be starting their tapers. Which means most people will start doing more speed work and resting a little bit and taking down the amount of yardage they're doing.”

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