“no Nevada politician can afford to neglect the rural areas of Nevada. I've spent the Labor Day weekend campaigning in Elko, Winnemucca and Fallon not only because the votes here are important but because we must stress the oneness of Nevada. There must be no 'urban versus rural' thinking in Nevada.”
“When you've got the Republican governor of Colorado running around the state asking voters to suspend their TABOR law, and they're talking about privatizing their higher ed system because they can't afford it, it shows it's one of those things that would have a significant negative impact on public safety and education in Nevada,”
“I think that Nevadans want their government to do what it is supposed to do -- keep people safe and educate them -- and we won't have the tools to do those things if one or both of these initiatives pass,”
“At 6:30 a.m. I went in with a bunch of nurses and was there an hour and a half. I told them I did not want to be in an area I was not supposed to be in. We were not being disruptive and I did not even see any patients.”
“[In a statement, Desert Springs officials said they were] disappointed and concerned ... actually barged onto a patient floor trying to make a completely inappropriate political statement in a critical care unit.”