“If we were, for instance, to say, 'OK, Iraq is not worth the cost,' if we were to make that my judgment, that terrible mistake ... the next 9/11 in my view would be right around the corner,”
“The information gleaned when we picked up Saddam Hussein led to a better understanding of the structure [of the insurgency], ... We think there are some of the leadership of this insurgency [that have been caught up in the sweep].”
“This preserves for the president all the options that a president would want to have in case this country or our friends and allies were attacked with weapons of mass destruction, be they nuclear, biological, chemical or, for that matter, high explosives,”
“[Vice President Dick Cheney told The Washington Post on Sunday that the war on terrorism that began October 7] may never end. At least, not in our lifetimes. ... may be correct.”