“When we look at people who start out single, get married, and then get divorced, they look different than the people who start out single, get married, and stay married. Specifically, the ones who will stay married start out happier-than-average . . .”
“Joe was hired a long time ago, did a good job and stuck around. Despite all the changes, he's still the same. He still thinks he's a pre-law student.”
“It's a classic example (his appointment) of someone learning the business and then deciding that he wanted to go into administration and gets the proper education and came back.”
“We really, really need someone to go forward with this in the county. It's a huge industry. A lot of people are misinformed when they think it doesn't mean much to the whole tax base because it's huge.”
“Clearly, we need a more efficient needs shelter for Jackson County. We as a hospital system will work closely with the Red Cross and other appropriate entities to help improve these conditions.”
“We have not read the opinion but we are aware of the denial of the Certificate of Need. We are very disappointed in this opinion. The opposition of the CON by several Harrison County hospitals who are owned by for-profit out-of-state interests is very unfortunate.”