“You don't raise your children by yelling at them constantly. You explain to them, If you use this device in a compromised way, you may sink the firm and lose your job and your retirement.”
“Human behaviors are a huge impact on security. The people who are mobile are the people who shouldn't be mobile. Does anyone tell the CEO he can't take the laptop with him because it has the firm's information on it? This is the person with the critical information and he's the one on the road.”
“We should recognize that we're seeing a generational evolution in work style. Instead of trying to stop it, we need to look for ways to work with them more securely. Ultimately, IT is a service function for the staff. They're giving IT direction in the way they want to work. They're actually out there trying to do more work for the firm.”
“Tell them that when someone leaves a PDA in a cab, the company might go out of business. Look, Dude, we might go out of business because the company has to admit that it lost customer data or corporate lists.”
“They changed the world... It changed the way we work. In 1996, I went to work in Silicon Valley and a friend came in for a job interview. I said, 'What is that cool thing you have?' He said, 'Oh, it's a Pilot.' I went right out and got one... It was revolutionary.”