“At the end of the day, you can't force somebody to accept evolution. We wouldn't want to do that. But hopefully they'll understand science is a very rigorous process, it's a very demanding process, where we test these theories day in and day out, and evolution is one that has held up for 100 years.”
“We wanted it to be a well-paced journey through time and have it be as comprehensive as possible. I'm confident this is the most comprehensive look at the evolution of life on Earth in the country, if not the world.”
“By conservative estimates, we're losing one species every 15 minutes. We don't have a really good handle on what species are out there yet, let alone what is out there on the brink of extinction.”
“A lot of people don't realize this is a real research institution. It's nice to be able to highlight scientists' work. This exhibit shows a nice cross-section of scientists.”