“Programmers and marketing people know how to get into your subconscious-they spend millions of dollars researching colors, shapes, designs, symbols, that affect your preferences, and they can make you feel warm, trusting, like buying. They can manipulate you.”
“Since I am a teacher and I lecture on social change, and on up-leveling people's lives, science fiction's a great place where you can really explore a lot of territory.”
“Apollo, Athena, these are characters out of Greek mythology-we used a lot of the Egyptian mythology, as well. And we tapped into the premise of, you know, Who is mankind? Where did we evolve from?”
“[Reactions ? now and stretching into the future ? are likely to include anxiety, irritability, depression, anger,] all the emotions, intensified, ... Maybe guilt. I survived and friends and family members haven't. Why did I survive and not others?”
“[Coping will also, in some cases, likely involve substance abuse counseling.] Substance abuse can go up, ... For many, substances are a mechanism to cope. And stress may increase the desire to utilize substances.”