“It will take more work to see if infected animals can be taken out of the wild, cleaned up and released. At the moment, people are concentrating on keeping [the disease] out.”
“It was a succession of all of these pledge things from around the state that made us stop and say maybe we should try to get everybody on the same page about what the law says.”
“I instinctively knew it was a major opportunity, so there was a lot at stake. You get it wrong and you could lose everything. Eventually they said, 'Just quit moaning and do it'. And it's been wonderful.”
“The scare has been there for a while now, and we have kept the consumer fully informed and we feel consumers have made an informed decision to keep on buying poultry.”
“Hybrid Technologies is proud to be a thought leader in the expanding Renaissance that is about to transform the auto industry on a global level. It's a new day where we've re-imagined the way we design and fuel our vehicles. Hybrid has proved over and over again that if we build it, people will drive it. Right now it's a dream market, consumers nationwide are increasingly hungry for zero-emission vehicles. The industry giants have to pick up speed and start meeting that need.”