“Some of the legal decisions have kind of handcuffed us, because we can see some of the people are deteriorating, but we don't have the right to intervene,”
“In a horrified silence he stood up, and to renewed applause, danced a little jig. He returned to the stage a final time, ostentatiously dusting off his tails to demonstrate that he was OK.”
“A collision is coming - actually, it's already started - and we'd better get smart and start doing some innovative things, or we're going to be in trouble.”
“We also have concerns about tree-planting, because there are no guarantees these trees won't be felled, or, worse, burnt, soon after they have been planted. And we're concerned about some of the other projects backed, because many of them might have been funded anyway.”
“Easter breaks for many people will include short-haul trips, where alternative modes of transport are much more practical. Short-haul travel is particularly polluting because the take-off and landing segments, when most fuel is burnt, represent a large proportion of the flight plan.”