“Manufacturers are always trying to show their machines burn the most calories. The bottom line is that if you push yourself to a moderate level, you're going to burn about the same amount of calories.”
“You also gain the independence to work out wherever and whenever you want. People who are dependent on a trainer tend not to exercise unless their trainer is standing right there.”
“By far, the number one reason people give for not exercising is that they don't have enough time. To get someone to exercise, we've got to help them carve out the time. Having a gym at your fingertips does just that.”
“In middle-aged and younger adults, it's probably not a big difference for them in terms of their exercise time. It is really their lifestyle and what works for them that's really important when determining your exercise time.”
“I wouldn't suddenly decide to go for a 10-mile run or do sprint intervals on the track at this point, ... If I'm playing sports, I would be conscious of my need to be some kind of hero or need to show off.”
“There is some evidence that morning exercise promotes more fat burning than other times of the day, but the difference is so small that it really wouldn't matter, ... And if you're going to exercise inconsistently in the morning, then it's not worth it at all.”
“We are trying to be on the leading edge of utilizing digital technology to make our TV shows available to consumers in as convenient of a way as we can.”