“Our minds can work for us or against us at any given moment. We can learn to accept and live with the natural psychological laws that govern us, understanding how to flow with life rather than struggle against it. We can return to our natural state of contentment.”
“No one knows exactly where thought comes from, but it can be said that thought comes from the same place as whatever it is that beats our heart... it comes from being alive.”
“[But it's never too late, or too early, to be happy -- a message Carlson wants everybody to listen to.] There is a big payoff to learning to be happier, ... You handle your parents better, you handle your peer pressure, you handle life in general with a lot more equanimity, and it just gets to be a lot more fun.”
“There's a huge number of people stuck in a lousy commute or a tiny house, or they finally got the raise they're hoping for. It's not a bottomless pit, but it's a large, large group.”
“Typically you issue those releases when you get partial payment. We were bending over backward, issuing them even when we were not getting partial payment. We stopped doing that when they filed bankruptcy.”