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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“In my opinion, the trampoline is the most important training apparatus in any acrobatic sport. You learn air sense and you can master a skill long before you ever try it on that apparatus. It saves on injury and time. It isolates a skill quicker.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“They couldn't have botched this any worse if they had tried. They should have met with members of Congress three or four weeks ago and said: 'This is a good deal. We've vetted the security on this, and we absolutely should move forward,' and should have gotten them all on their side before it became this huge deal.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“She was training with the possibility of competing at Level 3 in 2005. I'd say her progression is pretty good, especially with the results she's gotten. In USA Gymnastics you can't even (compete) at Level 4 until age 6. She's got a lot of physical talent. She's strong and springy. That's half the battle right there.”

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