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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“To have your name up there, it does mean a lot. That's quite an honor to be recognized, especially the way the franchise has come around and is recognized as a top franchise.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“I loved it, and hated to see it all end, but things happen for a reason. (I loved) the whole experience, and it was my first team. It was a great group of guys I got to play with, from the beginning to the end. The only gripe was the weather stayed cold too long. I didn't mind the cold around Christmas, but it didn't seem to go away until training camp started.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The Cardinals (brought me to the area). It's really close to home for my wife and I, which is California. It was close to family and a lot of people were able to come see my games. I was able to go to California whenever I really wanted, which was a different story than Boston.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Baseball was something I really enjoyed, growing up. That's all I really played growing up and didn't even play football until high school. I really love being there with my son. Sometimes it's frustrating coaching him because I can get on him a little more than the other kids. He doesn't want to hear it, but that's part of it.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“It's something, as I kid, I never really thought I would get there. It wasn't a goal of mine. Then, when it all came around, I really realized it when I got to the Patriots. I was sitting and looking around and realized I was sitting in the same room with Steve Grogan, John Hannah and Sam Cunningham. I couldn't believe I was there, and it's a feeling you really can't describe.”

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