“We're here to talk about ways that we can diversify our energy portfolio. Ways that we can lessen our dependency on foreign oil, ways that we can strengthen energy in Colorado and give farmers a chance to participate in our overall energy policy.”
“Eminent domain is not necessary to accomplish urban renewal, but local governments have been trained to use it as a tool of first resort for assemblage of large-scale projects. However, the government's role is not to be a developer, but rather to facilitate conditions that are friendly to business - the use of condemnation takes this role too far.”
“Ethanol is a home grown product; we grow it and refine it within the four corners of our state. Jobs and markets are created right here at home and we are boosting the rural economy while making a positive step forward for the environment.”
“We have tremendous support. It's so important that we pass this legislation, with 60 percent of our oil coming from overseas and the price of oil over $70 a barrel.”