“I've observed the seal hunt at close range for seven years. I've routinely witnessed conscious seals dragged across the ice with boat hooks, wounded seals left to choke on their own blood, and seals being skinned alive. The commercial seal hunt is inherently cruel, it is a national disgrace.”
“Given that the federal government subsidized the return of the commercial seal hunt (between 1996 and 2001) we think this would be a good investment to see its end.”
“Our challenge has never been convincing the world that it is wrong to kill baby seals for their skins; the challenge has been telling the world that the hunt goes on.”
“We should be seeing literally tens of thousands of seal pups out here, and at best, we've seen maybe a couple of hundred. The seals simply aren't out here.”
“They are coming later this week and they are going to observe the newborn harp seals on the ice floes off the east coast of Canada to draw attention to the fact that in just a few weeks the world's largest slaughter of marine mammals – Canada's seal hunt – is about to begin.”
“I've observed the seal hunt at close range for seven years. I routinely witness conscious seals dragged across the ice with boathooks, wounded seals left to choke on their own blood and seals being skinned alive.”