“As we contact individuals who are the subject of a complaint about water quality problems, a lot of them will thank us and tell us they've been looking for help. When we and our partners can provide technical assistance or other guidance, these landowners address the problem quickly.”
“This past year, we had 55 complaints against individual landowners. Some weren't valid. Some were and we were able to contact individuals to make positive changes in their operational management.”
“One reason for fewer complaints is that the outreach to commercial agriculture has been effective in providing technical assistance and other information on good resource management to landowners.”
“In some areas of the state, it was enthusiastically pursued and landowners realized it could help improve conditions as well as their bottom line. In other areas, it was fought tooth and nail. There were many questions about how our program would affect an operator's ability to make a living.”
“I think our program has been the driver for some people. I also think others would have pursued these practices on their own without SB 1010. It doesn't really matter. If it improves the resources and, at the same time, improves their economics, then we've had success.”